Brian Robinson: Tithuyil (moving with the rhythm of the stars)

Brian Robinson: Tithuyil (moving with the rhythm of the stars) is the first major survey of the artist’s work that brings together prints, assemblages and sculptural work marking the last decade of Robinson’s acclaimed multi award-winning contemporary practice.

Brian’s works present an intoxicating world-view. A constellation of wise-eyed sea creatures, muscular warriors, stars in the heavens, broad petal flowers, and hollow eyed skulls sweep through his works. Jostling amongst this realm of references to his island of Waiben, and the surrounding sea waters and islands of the Torres Strait, are the tokens and talismans of a parallel life within a global culture of super heroes, cheeky comic characters and ancient Classical mythologies.

Curated by John Curtin Gallery Director Chris Malcolm and Mossenson Galleries Director Diane Mossenson,  the works have been selected to capture the scope of this fluid artistic imagination – one where the artworks and audiences are co-opted into the spirit realm of the islander imagination.
